# UniWebViewHelper

# Summary

# Methods Summary

Get the local streaming asset path for a given file path related to the StreamingAssets folder.

Get the local persistent data path for a given file path related to the data folder of your host app.

# Methods

Get the local streaming asset path for a given file path related to the StreamingAssets folder.

This method will help you to create a URL string for a file under your StreamingAssets folder for different platforms.

  • string path

    The relative path to the Assets/StreamingAssets of your file.

    For example, if you placed an HTML file under Assets/StreamingAssets/www/index.html, you should pass www/index.html as the parameter.


var url = UniWebViewHelper.StreamingAssetURLForPath("www/localHTML.html");

Get the local persistent data path for a given file path related to the data folder of your host app.

This method will help you to create a URL string for a file under you stored in the persistentDataPath.

  • string path

    The relative path to the Assets/StreamingAssets of your file.


var url = UniWebViewHelper.PersistentDataURLForPath("www/index.html");
Last Updated: 3/14/2021, 11:49:22 PM