# UniWebViewLogger

# Summary

# Properties Summary

An instance of the UniWebView logger across the process.

Current level of this logger.

Lowest level.

Debug level.

Info level.

Critical level.

Off level.

# Methods Summary

Log a verbose message.

Log a debug message.

Log a info message.

Log a critical message.

# Properties

An instance of the UniWebView logger across the process. Normally you should use this for logging purpose in UniWebView, instead of creating a new logger yourself.

Current level of this logger. All messages above current level will be logged out.

The default level is Critical, which means the logger only prints errors and exceptions.

Lowest level. When set to Verbose, the logger will log out all messages.

Debug level. When set to Debug, the logger will log out most of messages up to this level.

Info level. When set to Info, the logger will log out up to info messages.

Critical level. When set to Critical, the logger will only log out errors or exceptions.

Off level. When set to Off, the logger will log out nothing.

# Methods

Log a verbose message.

  • string message

    The message to log

Log a debug message.

  • string message

    The message to log

Log a info message.

  • string message

    The message to log

Log a critical message.

  • string message

    The message to log