# Transition

The transition effect in UniWebView is easy. We provide several built-in show/hide visual transition effects. You can also animate the position and size of web view on the screen.

# Show / Hide Transition

Show and Hide methods accept several parameters to define a better visual effect and natural transition experience. The full signatures of these methods are:

bool Show(
    bool fade = false,
    UniWebViewTransitionEdge edge = UniWebViewTransitionEdge.None,
    float duration = 0.4f,
    Action completionHandler = null

bool Hide(
    bool fade = false,
    UniWebViewTransitionEdge edge = UniWebViewTransitionEdge.None,
    float duration = 0.4f,
    Action completionHandler = null

By default, if no parameters are given when called, the Show and Hide happens without animation. If you set either the fade to true or the edge to any value except for UniWebViewTransitionEdge.None, the operation will happen with a transition animation.

  • fade - Fades in or out the web view while show or hide
  • edge - Defines the show from or hide to edge. The edge transition is a modal presenting or dismissing animation.

These sample code below:

webView.Frame = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height);
webView.Show(true, UniWebViewTransitionEdge.Bottom, 0.35f);

// Later
webView.Hide(true, UniWebViewTransitionEdge.Bottom, 0.35f);

produce the result:


A bool value is returned from Show or Hide, it represents whether the Show or Hide command is accepted and going to be executed.

Only one transition is allowed at a time. If you are trying to initialize another transition while the previous not finished yet, the new one will not start and the return value would be false.

# Move Animation

UniWebView also supports to be animated to a new position and size while it is being displayed:


webView.Frame = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height);

var halfScreen = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height / 2.0);

// The animation will last for 400ms and with 100ms delay:
webView.AnimateTo(halfScreen, 0.4f, 0.1f, ()=>{
    print("Animation finished!");

For more about transition and animation, read the API Reference.